News Article _ Evening Sentinel
Photograph of new school on top:
(click for
larger image)
Caption: The new consolidated school in Oxford will be open for
classes Monday morning for the first time. The new building includes
eight modern classrooms, principal's office, health clinic, teachers'
rooms, toilet rooms, auditorium and kitchen. The latter two are
not yet ready for use. (Budd Photo)
All new furniture, as well as equipment, from the old schools, was
moved into the consolidated school building yesterday afternoon. Three
trucks took 11 loads from the schools to the new building. Principal
Richard E. Wilkinson, the teachers and a number of the older children,
assisted in loading and unloading the trucks and arranging the
equipment in the new classrooms this morning.
The older boys of the elementary schools were particularly useful in
yesterday's moving activities, school board officials and principal
Wilkinson said today. A truck driven by Frank Allen was donated by S.
B. Church for yesterday's moving. Harrison E. Miles and Walter Knorr
also cotributed their time and trucks for the afternoon.
Principal Wilkinson held an orientation program this afternoon at the
school for the teachers to explain the new setup. Most of the
teachers have been accustomed to instructing mixed grades while in the
new school each will have a single grade under her direction.