Ebenezer Dayton
While these nocturnal travelers are snatching
a few minutes' sleep in Mr. Gunn's barn, let
us explain who they are, and why they appear
here in these circumstances.
We have already related the reasons which led so
many of the people of Gunntown and vicinity to
espouse the cause of the royalists.
After the disastrous battle of Brooklyn Heights, and
the masterly retreat of General Washington and his
forces to New York, Long Island fell wholly under
British control. It became in consequence one of the
haunts of the tories, and a general resort for thieves
and desperadoes of every description.
The engagement of the 27th of August, 1776,
says Thompson[1] was followed by an
of Long Island to the enemy; and the town and county
commissioners, in many instances, either through
fear or necessity, were inclined to repudiate all legislative
authority exercised by the Provincial and Continental
Congresses. The inhabitants who continued
on the island were compelled to subscribe to the oath
of allegiance and fidelity to the king. General Howe
had, immediately on landing at Gravesend, issued a
proclamation promising security of person and property
to those who should remain peaceably upon their
farms. This island became, therefore, conquered territory,
forts being erected and garrisons established in
different places. Martial law prevailed, the army became
a sanctuary for criminals of every grade, and
means the most despicable were resorted to for increasing
the numerical force of the enemy. Those inhabitants
who had theretofore taken an active part as
officers of militia and committeemen, deemed it most
imprudent to remain, and consequently sought refuge
within the American lines, leaving the greater part of
their property exposed to the ravages of the unprincipled
"The enemy took possession of the best rooms in
their houses, and obliged their owners to provide them
accommodations and support for men and horses. The
property of those who had fled from their homes, and
especially those engaged in the American service, was
particularly the object of rapine, and in very many instances
the damages were immense."
Among the persons who thus fled from the island
was a man named Ebenezer Dayton. He was a native of
Brookhaven, a descendant of Rev. Nathaniel BrewÂster,
D. D., one of the first ministers, and connected
with some of the most respectable families in the town.
He had long carried on mercantile business there, not
only at his own store in Brookhaven, but also by traveling
tours in adjacent towns, in consequence of which
he became extensively known throughout the middle
and eastern portions of the island. The following
amusing incident, related by Thompson, will give us a
glimpse of the manner in which the business of a
country tradesman was then carried on, and the perils
to which it was liable:–
Dayton arrived in the village of Easthampton on
Saturday evening, with a stock of fancy goods for
sale. He was apparently laboring under slight indisÂposition
resembling the measles; but for the purpose
of apprising the people of his presence, and against the
earnest remonstrance of his landlady, he made his
the next day at church, and placed himself,
of course, in the most conspicuous part of the
Meeting was no sooner dismissed in the afterÂnoon
than a rumor of his indisposition was spread
through the town; and the general indignation was
so apparent that the delinquent, considering prudence
the better part of valor, departed early the next
But the incensed population was not so easily
A few ardent youngsters set off in pursuit,
and, overtaking the peddler on the road, seized and
brought him back to the village, and having paraded
him through the principal streets on a rail, drenching
him thoroughly in the town pond, and committing
other indignities upon him, permitted him to depart.
The terrors of the law were speedily visited upon the
actors in this scene of violence, through the
of Col. Burr, then a young and aspiring
practitioner, which resulted in a verdict of one thousand
dollars damages; yet, strange to say, the verdict
was never fully approved by the people, seeing that
nearly one hundred persons took the disease, of whom
several died. The era is still alluded to as the time
of the Dayton measles.
Mr. Dayton espoused the American cause, and was
very active in the measures taken to protect the towns
and villages in that part of Long Island, and to annoy
the British troops and tories. He was clerk of the
Committee of Safety appointed by Brookhaven, under
the authority of the Provincial Congress, to apprehend
and punish traitors. In 1776 he was commissioned
as quartermaster in the regiment raised in that
county. Of course he had become exceedingly obnoxious
to the royalists, and when Brookhaven fell
into the hands of the enemy, he removed, with his
merchandise, to Connecticut. At that time the intercourse
between Brookhaven and the main coast was
very frequent. There were family ties connecting the
people of that town with Derby; indeed, it had formerly
itself been within the Connecticut jurisdiction
for several years. At first Dayton fixed his abode at
Milford, but in view of the exposed position of this
place to attack by sea, he shortly afterward removed
some ten or twelve miles inland, to what is now
Bethany, then a part of the ancient territory of New
But notwithstanding the removal of his family and
goods to this supposed place of safety, he did not personally
abandon the scene of conflict. Under a privateer's
commission, he raised parties of men with whom
he made frequent incursions upon the enemy. Expeditions
of this kind were very common at that time.
Most parts of the island, says Thompson, and
particularly along the Sound, suffered greatly from
depredations of little bands of piratical plunderers,
designated "whale-boatmen", from the fact of their craft
resembling those used in whaling along the shore.
With this they would make frequent descents under
cover of night, attack detached houses, rifle the inhabitants
of their money, plate and other valuables,
and availing themselves of the speed of their boats,
reach their lurking places among the islands of the
Sound, or upon the main shore, before any effectual
means could be taken to intercept them. Indeed, so
great was the apprehension of these sudden attacks
that many of the inhabitants had their doors and windows
protected by iron bars, and it became usual
for people to pass the night in the woods and other
secret places to avoid personal violence. [2]
One of these expeditions, in which Dayton was engaged,
is thus described in New York Gazette of
February 16, 1778:–
At two o'clock last Thursday morning, a party of
twelve rebels seized at Coram, in Suffolk county [in
Brookhaven], two wagons loaded with dry goods, the
property of Obadiah Wright of Southampton. These
marauders had been several days on the island, visited
most parts, and committed many robberies, especially
at the house of Colonel Floyd, Setauket, which they
robbed of goods and cash to a considerable amount,
and took some property of Mr. Dunbar, who rides
down the island occasionally, and happened to lodge
in the house that night.
Communication between the towns on the eastern
part of the island and New York city was then, for
the most part, carried on in small vessels, which transported
provisions, forage, wood, etc. for the use of
the British army, and brought back groceries, dry
goods, and money in payment. These vessels, therefore,
became a coveted article of plunder to parties
like those above described. Mr. Dayton had already
captured no less than twelve of them, which were condemned
as lawful prize of war, and had become known
among the British and their adherents under the
designation of a "rebel pirate."
Nor was he held in much better estimation on the
patriotic side. It was strongly suspected that, of the
large quantities of goods brought by him from the
island, no small part was procured by smuggling, and
sometimes even by the robbery of personal friends of
the American cause. The two wagon loads mentioned
above, were replevied by Mr. Wright, their owner, in
the Superior Court at New Haven, and recovered on
the ground of his fidelity to his country. Other goods
in Dayton's possession were attached on similar
and, although he claimed that he had reÂceived
them in payment of a debt due to him, the plea
was disallowed and the goods forfeited.
The result, as a whole, was that Mr. Dayton was in
ill odor on both sides. By the royalists he was feared
and hated as a "rebel pirate," and by the Americans
suspected as a smuggler and indiscriminate plunderer
of friend and foe. So keenly did he feel this general
odium, that, while some of the aforesaid cases were
pending in the courts, he prepared an elaborate defense
of his conduct, which, with numerous affidavits
from persons in Brookhaven, Derby, Stamford, etc.,
be caused to be published in the Connecticut Journal
of April 12, 1780. Its seems due to his reputation, and
will at the same time most forcibly exhibit his standÂing
in the community, to quote a few passages from
this statement:
The parties against me in the eight fore-mentioned
suits [for smuggling], and the said sixteen traitors
for treason [including the robbers and their
friends mentioned in the next chapter], being a very
great number of persons, all imagine it of great imÂportance
to them in the several trials depending to
slander me, and that their conduct will appear less
dishonorable and not criminal if they can make me
appear extremely odious and detestable in the opinions
of the good people of this state; for which purpose
they have jointly employed all their arts of corruption,
together with their interest and friends, to
raise a popular clamor against me by propagating and
spreading the following reports, viz., that I am a tory,
and as such have carried immense quantities of provisions
to the enemy; that I am a plunderer, and
have robbed the people of Long Island to a great
amount; that, before I fled from the island I was
worth nothing; and that all the property I have had
taken from me, and what I yet have, was procured by
feeding the enemy and plundering on Long Island;
and that, therefore, it is just and right for anybody,
either whig or tory, to plunder me of my property;
and that I ought to be considered as outlawed, and
not entitled to protection of person or property. And
as I am a refugee stranger, without friends or connections
in this state, while the parties secretly propagating
these reports are numerous, consisting of whigs
and tories, they have succeeded so far in spreading
these reports that they are generally believed where I
am not known, and by many of those who live near
me, to that degree that I am in constant fear that my
life and property are in danger, and on that account
have been induced to keep an armed guard many
nights for my defense.
Mr. Dayton then proceeds to declare solemnly that,
except the capture of twelve vessels and the seizure of
Mr. Wright's goods, – in the latter case acting only
as a private of the party, and not the commander, –
he knows of none the least foundation in truth for
any of the forementioned reports. The affidavits of
friends were to the effect that they knew him to
have been a merchant at Brookhaven who had been in
the habit of selling goods on credit; that he went to
the island only to collect what was due him; also that
they had never heard that he had plundered anybody
of either party, though they acknowledged that his
reputation in this respect is greatly injured among
people of all ranks, denominations, etc.
It is impossible at this day to determine the truth in
respect to this matter, nor is it of great importance in
relation to our story. It is enough that such were the
opinions generally entertained of Dayton at this time,
especially among the tories. These opinions, with the
current belief that he had in his dwelling-house, a
large amount of money and valuable goods, undoubtedly
led to the perpetration of the outrage we are now
to record.
History of Long Island, vol i, p 392
History of Long Island, vol. i. p.295