Reminiscences of Oxford
Homes and People
By B. H. Davis
Published 1914 in THE SEYMOUR RECORD

Chapter 17


Going northward a short distance we come to what was formerly the Smith place. In the year 1905 H. K. Smith came to Oxford in search of a place to locate, having come from some place in Kansas all the way in a covered carryall drawn by two horses, and brought all his earthly possessions with him.

He purchased a small tract of land which is now a portion of the Booth farm, and commenced the erection of a bungalow, and having completed his domicile he turned his attention to farming on a small scale, and after about two years of hard sledding for a living he decided that the atmosphere of Oxford did not agree with him and he folded his tent and quietly departed, to what part of the country no one in this community seems to know.

Either before or after his departure the place was sold to Jack Flynn, now of the Brunswick hotel, Seymour. It was occupied by the mother and sister of Mr. Flynn about three years, when it was sold to C. Pine of Oxford, who lived there one year.

In 1914 the place was purchased by Fred Dilly who still occupies it.

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