of Oxford
Homes and People
By B. H. Davis
Published 1914
Just a little north opposite the Smith place stands another land mark,
known as the Hawley place. David Hawley, Jr., formerly owned this place
and lived here for many years. The house was built about the year
1830. Chester Smith of Chestnut Tree Hill was the builder.
Mr. Hawley was twice married. His first wife was Mary F.
Doolittle, of Skokorat, daughter of Edmund Louis Doolittle of that
place. They were married May 27, 1863. Two daughters and one son
were born to them, Jane E., now Mrs. George A. Candee, of Skokorat, a
daughter who died in infancy, and a son, Otis Hawley, a prominent
citizen of Seymour, who also lives on the old Doolittle farm on
Mr. Hawley's second wife was Martha Gillette of Great Hill. One son was
born of this marriage, Clifford Hawley, who lives with his mother on
the road leading from the Southford Cemetery to Christian Street.
After the death of Mr. Hawley in 1897 the place was sold to James
Pendleton who occupied it for a year or two and then it was sold to W.
Stafford who worked in the Seymour Iron foundry, consequently did not
make a success of farming.
In 1907 the place was again sold to M. P. McKenna, who still owns and
occupied the place. He is quite extensively engaged in the poultry
business, also keeps a number of cows and makes butter for which he
finds a ready market in Naugatuck, making weekly trips there to dispose
of the products of his farm.
Mr. McKenna is also a carpenter and works at that business when
otherwise engaged on the farm. He is a conscientious member of the
church, is a good neighbor, and is always ready to help in time of need.
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