of Oxford
Homes and People
By B. H. Davis
Published 1914
Abbott-Alling-Booth Place
As we proceed on our jnourney north we come to another
old house which is well worth mention. This place is known as the
Osborn homestead. The north portion of the house was built by Harvey
Osborn about the year 1820. After the house was finished he married
Eunice Smith of Oxford, June 10th, 1820. One son was born to them,
George B. Osborn, who lived with Bennett Davis for many years and was
instrumental in saving the life of the writer at the time of the fire
that destroyed the farm house of Bennett Davis, Nov. 12, 1849.
The first wife of Harvey Osborn died July 16, 1828. On jan. 15th, 1830,
he married Nabby Davis, one of the twin daughters of Col. John
Davis. He died in 1842. After his death Aunt Nabby lived at the
old homestead until 1860 when she went to New Rochelle, N. Y., to live
with a relative. She died there July 21st, 1874.
The place was afterwards sold to Edwin Alling and some time in the year
1909 the place was sold to Charles Baldwin of Seymour, who occupied it
only a short time.
In 1907 the place was purchased by Gail Booth, who converted it into
one of the most extnsive poultry farms in the state. It is well adapted
for the business. There is a never-failing stream of fine water near
the place and the land slopes towards the south, making it an ideal
place for raising chickens. He has built many poultry houses and made
many other improvements in and about the house and barn.
The land is quite productive, mostly meadow and suitable for
cultivation. Mr. Booth is a painter and his services are required
in many places outside of his native town. Ansonia being his objective
point a good portion of the time when not engaged in looking after his
poultry business.
to Reminiscences
of Oxford Table of